Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd. Apps

進擊的單字王 1.52
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
英聽救星來了!進擊的單字王,搶救菜英文並拯救你的菜菜英文聽力。就是簡單點一點螢幕,考考反應的幾種模式,帶來英聽學習史上的大變革。其實學好英文聽力很簡單,你缺的只是『信心』啊!再說三遍,『信心』!『信心』!『信心』啊!進擊の菜英文幫你就這麼簡單的把『信心』建立起來,你一定可以的。多玩幾次,排行榜上就是你的名字,告訴自己,一定可以的。進擊の菜英文幫你建立英聽『信心』,把英語變成你自己的強大武器。(V1.4 版起不再使用看起來像蔡小姐的大頭圖標,抱歉啊!)英語聽力不佳,是大多數人覺得英語棘手的主因。雖然閱讀文字時能看懂大概的內容,但光靠聽力就會變成「有聽沒有懂」。用英語跟人對話時,常常因為聽不懂對方所說的詞彙,而不知道該怎麼加入對話。雖然也試用過各種聽力教材,但因為感受不到聽力有所進步,最後就半途而廢了。到頭來,就算增加了對英語的知識或學習經驗,但總擺脫不掉對英語聽力的恐懼感,因而毫無進展。英文聽力要好,訣竅在『轉換時間』。一個聲音進到腦海,轉換成認知的時間越短,英文聽的能力就會越好。我們設計這個遊戲,訓練你的英聽『轉換時間』。切記,在腦海裡不要轉換成中文,速度才會快,聽力才會好,只要多試幾次就會上手。記住訣竅,很容易的,加油!全球排行榜等你來挑戰。<>Britishsavior listen to it! Attack the word king, rescue and save yourdish Cai Cai English English hearing.Several models simple point is that the screen, quiz reaction,bringing listen to learn the history of the British big change.In fact, listening is very simple to learn English, you aremissing just "faith" ah!Say it three times, "faith"! "Faith"! 'Confident' ah!English onslaught の vegetables help you so simply put "faith" setup, you will be able of.Play more times, is your name on the list, telling myself,certainly possible.English onslaught の vegetables help you build Britain listen,"confidence", the English into your own powerful weapons.(From V1.4 version no longer use the bulk of the icon that lookslike Miss Choi, sorry ah!)Listening poor, most people think the main reason trickyEnglish. Although able to read about the contents of the text whenreading, but hearing alone will become a "have to listen notunderstand." Dialogue with people in English, often do notunderstand each other because of said words, do not know how tojoin the conversation. Although also tried a variety of listeningmaterials, but because hearing has improved feel, and finallyhalfway. In the end, even if the increased knowledge of the Englishlanguage or learning experience, but the total can not escape thefear of listening, so there is no progress.English listening better, know-how at the "transition time." Avoice into the mind, the shorter the time converted to cognitiveability in English listening will be better. We designed this game,train your English listening "transition time."Remember, in my mind not to be converted into Chinese, the speedwill be fast, hearing will be good, as long as it will try severaltimes to get started. Remember how, very easy, come on! Waiting foryou to challenge the global rankings.<< In response to developer terms, APP V1.5 update will berenamed after the attack の king word back on the shelves, thank youfor your support >>
Kung Fu Chinese 1.2
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
This is a Free App in which you can learn Chinese Charactersthrough games. No need to keep going online, download this once andenjoy it forever!KungFu Chinese is a small game that helps you learn ChineseCharacters. Chinese characters are mainly composed by "pictograph","sound," and "meaning." The game will give you 2 Chinese charactersand pose a question related to the Chinese words. You can eithergive a wild guess or choose by instinct. If you guess wrong, youcan have another chance. If you guess right, it will show you theanswer's graphic/meaning and also the correct pronunciation of thecharacter.The game contains 54 questions. You may choose any question tolearn or practice anytime, and each one only takes you 1 minute toplay. You can practice a few times a day while you are waiting forthe bus or bored on the plane. You’ll soon find that learningChinese is not that stressful and that it is easy to pick up a fewChinese words here and there in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download KungFu Chinese. You’ll enjoy KungFu Chinese by picking up the Chinese language with the proven,effective technique of Audio flashcards.❋❋❋ Winner, Red Herring Asia Top 100 Award❋❋❋❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (TaiwanIndustrial Development Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for the Creative App Competition (Business NextMagazine) ❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleySometimes it is pretty hard to remember Chinese words, even ifyou have a teacher and plenty of books and CDs. You may find yourmotivation slowly going away. Kung Fu Chinese is a small game thatwill help you memorize Chinese words by simples question andgraphics.Playing a game is one of the most enjoyable and effectivetechniques in picking up a new language.In Kung Fu Chinese, you get to see the Chinese Character'sstroke and meaning, and you can also turn on the audio to learnpronunciation. It helps you with correct spelling, pronunciation,and word recognition. The audio and visual presentation of the wordis not only fun but also helpful for your Chinese listening andreading skills.Look at some of the features you can get with Kung FuChinese:* Includes 54 questions and Chinese words. Download once enjoy itforever!* Introduces the characters by Audio Flashcards, which is provenas the most effective way to learn and practice a secondlanguage.* Demonstrates the strokes of the character to help you withwriting!* Offers adorable graphics and an easy-to-use interface.* Facebook Connect.* Syncs with the Q.L.L. website, where you can get updatedinformation.* More than a million users have downloaded our language learningapps already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youjust have to download Kung Fu Chinese. Do it right now and you canbegin to pick up another language in no time at all!
The Fox and the Crow 4.0.5
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
The Ugly Duckling 2.5.14
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Spanish or Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling. Click “…More” to learn why you shoulddownload this App today!❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (IndustrialDevelopment Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for Creative App Competition (Business NextMagazine) ❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang Boer★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleyYou and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques forlearning a new language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tellstories to people, you immerse them in rich language in propercontext, which in turn leads to higher levels of sophistication inspeech and literacy. Yup, just by reading a story the rightway.In this app, you get both English and Spanish or Chinesesubtitles and optional voice dubbing to help you with correctspelling, pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Spanish skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Spanish orChinese subtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Spanish or Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* Music by well known songwriter, NienShen Ma* Facebook Connect* Sync with Q.L.L. (Quick Language Learning) website* More than half a million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Spanish orChinese, you only have to download this app. Do it right now andyou can begin to pick up another language as soon as today!
The Princess and the Pea 4.0.2
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
The Three Little Pigs 4.0.17
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques forlearning a new language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tellstories to people, you immerse them in rich language in propercontext, which in turn leads to higher levels of sophistication inspeech and literacy. Yup, just by reading a story the rightway.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than nine million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
The Frog Prince 4.0.19
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling. Click “…More” to learn why you shoulddownload this App today!❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (IndustrialDevelopment Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for Creative App Competition (Business Next Magazine)❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang Boer★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleyYou and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
Hansel and Gretel and others 1.0
Talking-app in Android market has got 350,000downloads mark on June 2011.This application is especially designed for Spanish and Chineselearning for English speakers, interesting trilingual storybookswith native human pronunciations and illustrated by ItalianDelicatessen Studio .★ Hansel and Gretel – is a well-known fairy tale of Germanorigin, recorded by the Brothers Grimm and published in 1812.★ The Hare and the Tortoise - is a fable attributed to Aesop. Thestory concerns a hare who ridicules a slow-moving tortoise and ischallenged by him to a race. The hare soon leaves the tortoisebehind and, confident of winning, decides to take a nap midwaythrough the course. When he awakes, however, he finds that hiscompetitor, crawling slowly but steadily, has arrived before him.The meaning is morally problematic and the story has beeninterpreted in a variety of ways over the centuries.★ The Emperor's New Clothes - (Danish: Kejserens nye Klæder) is ashort tale by Hans Christian Andersen about two weavers who promisean Emperor a new suit of clothes that are invisible to those unfitfor their positions, stupid, or incompetent.More stories will continue to be released by software updating,the story will be downloaded to the device, you may use withoutconnecting to the internet. Just 1 download, permanentenjoyment!Features:★ Trilingual, a phrase in English following with a Chinese orSpanish phrase, proven to be the most effective way to practicesecond language.★ Subtitles, full content of the English/Spanish and Chinesesubtitles for users to read★ Gesture support, you can slide your finger quickly flip★ Full range of topics, trilingual dub, this series of children'spicture books are designed by Italian Delicatessen Studio,astronaut Erin family performed the story in this series. The musicin the apps presented by the well-known songwriter – NienShen Ma(also known as Malasan in Movie Cape No. VII)★ The language learning picture books received so many goodcomments, over 300,000 downloads, 4.5 stars.Talking - app is developed by Quick Language Learning Inc. Ltd.,a professional language learning contents developer. We developedsoftware for different language learning on mobile devices for allages.
聽故事學日文 - 龜兔賽跑 2.5.03
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
聽故事學語文是一種有效率又很享受的方法。Storytelling is one of the most enjoyable and effective techniquesto learn a new language.ストーリーテリングは、新しい言語を学ぶために最も楽しく、効果的なテクニックの一つです。當你在說或聽故事的時候,你必須進入故事語文的豐富內容,一個更廣泛而高層次的語言語文學的學習。When you read or tell stories to people you immerse them in richlanguage in context, which in turn leads to higher levels ofsophistication in speech and literacy.あなたはお読みになるか、または順番にスピーチし、リテラシーの高度化の高いレベルにつながる文脈、の豊富な言語でそれらを浸す人に話を伝えるときに。『產品功能特色』★ 雙語功能,一句接一句先日文再中文對照,專家證明是最有效的語文聽力練習方式★ 字幕功能,有完整內容的日文與中文字幕★ 手勢支援,可以滑動手指快速翻頁★ 全系列學習有聲書,由義大利 Delicatessen 工作室所設計的太空人 Erin 家族,演出本系列故事★ 各電子書語言學習繪本,在 iPad & iPhone 都有推出,好評最多,平均四個半星。★ 聽故事學語文全系列超過三百萬下載量,是台灣出品最多最強的語文學習軟體系列。『關於開發本產品的公司』Talking – app 是由 QLL 公司開發製作,採用義大利 Delicatessen Studio所設計的太空人Erin Family 所演出一系列搭配生動中英文配音的童話故事,此系列可愛有聲童書 apps 由知名詞曲創作人 - 馬念先(海角七號馬拉桑) 先生配樂及代言。Q.L.L.Quick Language Learning Inc. Ltd.快速語言學習系統設計股份有限公司是一家專業的語言學習內容軟體開發商。我們開發適合各種年齡層的語言學習手機軟體與小遊戲,請大家在軟體最後參加我們的調查幫助我們製作更適合您的軟體!聽龜兔賽跑學日文,幫你學習聽日語看日文。
聽故事學日文- 醜小鴨 2.5.03
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
聽故事學語文是一種有效率又很享受的方法。Storytelling is one of the most enjoyable and effective techniquesto learn a new language.ストーリーテリングは、新しい言語を学ぶために最も楽しく、効果的なテクニックの一つです。當你在說或聽故事的時候,你必須進入故事語文的豐富內容,一個更廣泛而高層次的語言語文學的學習。When you read or tell stories to people you immerse them in richlanguage in context, which in turn leads to higher levels ofsophistication in speech and literacy.あなたはお読みになるか、または順番にスピーチし、リテラシーの高度化の高いレベルにつながる文脈、の豊富な言語でそれらを浸す人に話を伝えるときに。『產品功能特色』★ 雙語功能,一句接一句先日文再中文對照,專家證明是最有效的語文聽力練習方式★ 字幕功能,有完整內容的日文與中文字幕★ 手勢支援,可以滑動手指快速翻頁★ 全系列學習有聲書,由義大利 Delicatessen 工作室所設計的太空人 Erin 家族,演出本系列故事★ 各電子書語言學習繪本,在 iPad & iPhone 都有推出,好評最多,平均四個半星。★ 聽故事學語文全系列超過三百萬下載量,是台灣出品最多最強的語文學習軟體系列。『關於開發本產品的公司』Talking – app 是由 QLL 公司開發製作,採用義大利 Delicatessen Studio所設計的太空人Erin Family 所演出一系列搭配生動中英文配音的童話故事,此系列可愛有聲童書 apps 由知名詞曲創作人 - 馬念先(海角七號馬拉桑) 先生配樂及代言。Q.L.L.Quick Language Learning Inc. Ltd.快速語言學習系統設計股份有限公司是一家專業的語言學習內容軟體開發商。我們開發適合各種年齡層的語言學習手機軟體與小遊戲,請大家在軟體最後參加我們的調查幫助我們製作更適合您的軟體!聽醜小鴨學日文,幫你學習聽日語看日文。
地球媽媽電子繪本 - 公益軟體 1.0
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
電力能源是台灣面臨的實質重大議題,值得關注討論;Go Green推動綠色生活則應結合人文觀點並向下紮根。這個繪本的目的是教育小朋友認識地球,認識電力及發電的方法設備,並且瞭解能源的重要性,要節約能源愛護地球。台灣電力公司今年首度針對幼稚園4~6歲幼童,辦理「我愛地球媽媽」行動故事活動;透過到幼稚園巡迴行動故事的活動方式,傳遞節電愛地球的觀念,以提昇幼童對電力的愛惜與認知度。台電為讓更多幼童將節電觀念落實到生活中!歡迎民眾上網搜尋「我愛地球媽媽」關鍵字或到http://www.facebook.com/mammyearth我愛地球媽媽facebook專頁按讚,就可以獲得最新的活動訊息,未來台電將持續用心,努力將低碳觀念推廣落實到民眾的生活中。活動小組:台灣電力公司公眾服務處北市羅斯福路三段242號6樓APP 開發:QLL 快速語言學習系統設計
The Ugly Duckling 4.0.18
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
Goldilocks and the Three Bears 4.0.8
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
Raccoon Party - 2 player game 1.2
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Raccoon Party is a party game that can beplayed by 1 or 2 players. The players’ knowledge of fruit andnumbers and colors is tested in the gameplay.The app contains 3 little games in 1:The first asks you yes-or-no questions about how many fruitsthere are in the picture. From looking at the picture, hit ‘yes’ or‘no.’ If you answer correctly the fastest, you win the round!The second asks you to pick fruit and put it into your basket.The winner is the one who picks the right ones the fastest!The third presents pictures with numbers of fruits, and the 2players play a game of hot potato with a bomb about to go off. Acorrect answer hands the bomb to the other player. The winner isthe one who doesn’t have the bomb when it goes off!This game is for learning English words for numbers and fruit.It is ideal for classmate get-togethers or family gatherings.Features:1. 3 different modes of playing2. Vivid colors and HD graphics3. Party background music and sound effects4. Availability for both tablets and mobile phones5. Interface suitable for players of all ages6. Numbers and fruits practiceThis educational app develops English skills for both kids andadults in a funny and interesting way.This app is developed by Quick Language Learning Inc. Ltd., aprofessional language learning contents developer. We developlanguage-oriented educational software on mobile devices for allages.
The Twelve Brothers 4.0.3
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling. Click “…More” to learn why you shoulddownload this App today!❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (IndustrialDevelopment Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for Creative App Competition (Business Next Magazine)❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang Boer★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleyYou and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
The Fox and the Goat 4.0.7
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling. Click “…More” to learn why you shoulddownload this App today!❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (IndustrialDevelopment Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for Creative App Competition (Business Next Magazine)❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang Boer★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleyYou and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
Bubble Popper 2:Baby Flashcard 1.4
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Highly recommended -- Best Way for Toddlers toLearn New Words.This is a Flashcards app for babies. Building vocabulary has neverbeen so much fun.It was specially designed to make learning new words a fun activityfor you and your child.The cards are organized into different categories that you can turnon through a simple and comprehensive menu to tailor your child'slearning curriculum to your liking.Volume 1 was words about animal and transportation.Volume 2 was words about family and home.and more volumes are coming soon!!★ Large words and letters, Professional voiceovers recorded inproduction studio.★ Very high quality images, cute! Kids tested - they love it!Parents tested - they love it too!★ Interactive, kids can pop the bubble himself/herself and learnnew words.★ Gesture support, you can slide your finger quickly flip thepage.★ Can select autoplay or manual. Can control word repeat times.Even loop forever mode.★ option - Bilingual, a phrase in English following with a Chinese,proven to be the most effective way to practice secondlanguage.★ Our language learning picture books received so many goodcomments, over 3,500,000 downloads, 4.5 stars.This app is developed by Quick Language Learning Inc. Ltd., aprofessional language learning contents developer. We developedsoftware for different language learning on mobile devices for allages.
Bubble Popper:Baby Flashcards 1.4
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
This is a Flashcards app for babies. Buildingvocabulary has never been so much fun.It was specially designed to make learning new words a fun activityfor you and your child.The cards are organized into different categories that you can turnon through a simple and comprehensive menu to tailor your child'slearning curriculum to your liking.★ Large words and letters, Professional voiceovers recorded inproduction studio.★ Very high quality images, cute! Kids tested - they love it!Parents tested - they love it too!★ Interactive, kids can pop the bubble himself/herself and learnnew words.★ Gesture support, you can slide your finger quickly flip thepage.★ Can select autoplay or manual. Can control word repeat times.Even loop forever mode.★ option - Bilingual, a phrase in English following with a Chinese,proven to be the most effective way to practice secondlanguage.★ Our language learning picture books received so many goodcomments, over 3,500,000 downloads, 4.5 stars.This app is developed by Quick Language Learning Inc. Ltd., aprofessional language learning contents developer. We developedsoftware for different language learning on mobile devices for allages.
Thumbelina Talking-App 4.0.2
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
"Thumbelina" was a lovely story for your babygirls.There was an old woman who really wanted a child. One day awitch gave her a magic seed that hatched into a little baby girl.But the baby girl became so beautiful that even frogs and moleswanted to marry her. Will she live happily ever after?Immerse yourself in rich language and easily learn Chinese, inan entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling.❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (IndustrialDevelopment Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for Creative App Competition (Business NextMagazine) ❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang Boer★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleyYou and your child are learning a new language "Chinese"together, just by reading this story. Sometimes, you do thereading, sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch thevoice reading on and let the program tell you the story but youdon’t need it anymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques forlearning a new language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tellstories to people, you immerse them in rich language in propercontext, which in turn leads to higher levels of sophistication inspeech and literacy. Yup, just by reading a story the rightway.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Chinese language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native English or Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than four million users have downloaded our languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
The Gingerbread Man 4.0.7
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling. Click “…More” to learn why you shoulddownload this App today!❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (IndustrialDevelopment Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for Creative App Competition (Business Next Magazine)❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang Boer★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleyYou and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
Pocket Chinese Tutor lite 1.5.3
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
This audio book Apps is base on "Quick ChineseLearning in 30 Days," edited by a famous Chinese ProfessorJing-Shen Ma. All pronunciation of English is an authenticAmerican, and Chinese pronunciation is by native Chinese. This is avery powerful tool for those who want to learn Chinese.
聽故事學日文 - 國王的新衣 2.5.04
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
聽故事學語文是一種有效率又很享受的方法。Storytelling is one of the most enjoyable and effective techniquesto learn a new language.ストーリーテリングは、新しい言語を学ぶために最も楽しく、効果的なテクニックの一つです。當你在說或聽故事的時候,你必須進入故事語文的豐富內容,一個更廣泛而高層次的語言語文學的學習。When you read or tell stories to people you immerse them in richlanguage in context, which in turn leads to higher levels ofsophistication in speech and literacy.あなたはお読みになるか、または順番にスピーチし、リテラシーの高度化の高いレベルにつながる文脈、の豊富な言語でそれらを浸す人に話を伝えるときに。『產品功能特色』★ 雙語功能,一句接一句先日文再中文對照,專家證明是最有效的英語聽力練習方式★ 字幕功能,有完整內容的日文與中文字幕★ 手勢支援,可以滑動手指快速翻頁★ 全系列學習有聲書,由義大利 Delicatessen 工作室所設計的太空人 Erin 家族,演出本系列故事★ 各電子書語言學習繪本,在 iPad & iPhone 都有推出,好評最多,平均四個星。★ 聽故事學語文全系列超過三百萬下載量,是台灣出品最多最強的語文學習軟體系列。『關於開發本產品的公司』Talking – app 是由 QLL 公司開發製作,採用義大利 Delicatessen Studio所設計的太空人Erin Family 所演出一系列搭配生動中英文配音的童話故事,此系列可愛有聲童書 apps 由知名詞曲創作人 - 馬念先(海角七號馬拉桑) 先生配樂及代言。Q.L.L.Quick Language Learning Inc. Ltd.快速語言學習系統設計股份有限公司是一家專業的語言學習內容軟體開發商。我們開發適合各種年齡層的語言學習手機軟體與小遊戲,請大家在軟體最後參加我們的調查幫助我們製作更適合您的軟體!聽國王的新衣學日文,幫你學習聽日語看日文,LINE UP。
The Frog Prince and others 1.0
Talking-app in Android market has got 300,000downloads mark on May 2011.This application is especially designed for Spanish and Chineselearning for English speakers, interesting trilingual storybookswith native human pronunciations and illustrated by ItalianDelicatessen Studio .★ Frog Prince - The Frog Prince, is a fairy tale, best knownthrough the Brothers Grimm's written version. In this tale, aspoiled princess reluctantly befriends a frog (when meeting himafter dropping a gold ball into his pond), who magically transformsinto a handsome prince.★ Ugly Duckling – this is one of Hans Christian Andersen story. Theugly duckling was born ugly, the other ducks do not play with himbecause of his look, so he cried and ran away from the farm, hespent some hard times along and finally the ugly duckling grew upinto a beautiful swan.....★ Stone Soup - Stone Soup is an old folk story in which hungrysoldiers convince local people of a town into giving them food. Itis usually told as a lesson in cooperation, especially compassionscarcity.More stories will continue to be released by software updating,the story will be downloaded to the device, you may use withoutconnecting to the internet. Just 1 download, permanentenjoyment!Features:★ Trilingual, a phrase in English following with a Chinese orSpanish phrase, proven to be the most effective way to practicesecond language.★ Subtitles, full content of the English/Spanish and Chinesesubtitles for users to read★ Gesture support, you can slide your finger quickly flip★ Full range of topics, trilingual dub, this series of children'spicture books are designed by Italian Delicatessen Studio,astronaut Erin family performed the story in this series. The musicin the apps presented by the well-known songwriter – NienShen Ma(also known as Malasan in Movie Cape No. VII)★ The language learning picture books received so many goodcomments, over 300,000 downloads, 4.5 stars.Talking - app is developed by Quick Language Learning Inc. Ltd.,a professional language learning contents developer. We developedsoftware for different language learning on mobile devices for allages.
The Elephant and the Mouse 4.0.7
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling. Click “…More” to learn why you shoulddownload this App today!❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (IndustrialDevelopment Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for Creative App Competition (Business Next Magazine)❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang Boer★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleyYou and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
The Fisherman and His Wife 4.0.5
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling. Click “…More” to learn why you shoulddownload this App today!❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (IndustrialDevelopment Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for Creative App Competition (Business Next Magazine)❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang Boer★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleyYou and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
Stone Soup 3.1.10
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
This is #16 Kung-Fu Chinese series Apps byQLLImmerse yourself in rich language and easily learn Spanish orChinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling. Click “…More” to learn why you shoulddownload this App today!❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (IndustrialDevelopment Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for Creative App Competition (Business NextMagazine) ❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang Boer★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleyYou and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques forlearning a new language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tellstories to people, you immerse them in rich language in propercontext, which in turn leads to higher levels of sophistication inspeech and literacy. Yup, just by reading a story the rightway.In this app, you get both English and Spanish or Chinesesubtitles and optional voice dubbing to help you with correctspelling, pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Spanish skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Spanish orChinese subtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Spanish or Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* Music by well known songwriter, NienShen Ma* Facebook Connect* Sync with Q.L.L. (Quick Language Learning) website* More than half a million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Spanish orChinese, you only have to download this app. Do it right now andyou can begin to pick up another language as soon as today!
灰姑娘 Talking-App 1.0
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
這是專為學習英文聽力訓練設計的語文有聲繪本,裡面包含有 "灰姑娘" - Cinderella的有趣故事利用一句接一句先英文再中文對照,專家證明是最有效的英語聽力練習方式,幫助使用者提升英文聽力 -- 衷心感謝讀者支持, QLL聽故事學英文系列,總下載數已經正式突破七百萬大關。故事大綱:從前,有一位長得很漂亮的女孩叫辛蒂蕊拉,她有一位惡毒的繼母與兩位心地不好的姐姐。她經常受到繼母與兩位姐姐的欺負,被逼著她去做粗重的工作。有一天,城裡的王子舉行舞會......功能特色:★ 雙語功能,一句接一句先英文再中文對照,專家證明是最有效的英語聽力練習方式★ 中英對照,兩種語言學習,數種混搭功能,可自動或手動播放★ 字幕功能,有完整內容的英文與中文字幕★ 手勢支援,可以滑動手指快速翻頁,可以單頁暫停,重覆聆聽★ 全系列主題繪本,由義大利 Delicatessen 工作室所設計的太空人家族,演出本系列故事★ 各電子書語言學習繪本,在 Android & iOS 都有推出,好評最多,平均四個半星,累積上萬好評。Talking-App 是由 QLL 公司開發製作,採用義大利 Delicatessen 工作室所設計的太空人 Erin家族所演出一系列搭配生動中英文配音的童話故事,此系列可愛有聲童書 apps 由知名詞曲創作人 - 馬念先 (海角七號馬拉桑)先生配樂及代言。QLL Inc.快速語言學習系統設計股份有限公司是一家專業的語言學習內容軟體開發商。我們開發適合各年齡層的語言學習手機軟體。It is designed forlearning English listening training design language with soundpicture books, which contains the "Cinderella" - Cinderellainteresting storyUse a pick a first in English and then Chinese control, the expertsproved to be the most effective way to practice English listening,to help users improve their English listening - heartfelt thanks toreader support, QLL listening to stories to learn English series,the total number of downloads has been officially break sevenmillion mark.Synopsis:Once there was a very pretty girl named Cindy core pull, she has awicked stepmother and two sisters bad heart. Her stepmother and twosisters often subject to bullying, she was forced to do heavy work.One day, the prince of the city held the ball ......Features: ★ bilingual capabilities, a first in English and then pick aChinese control, the experts proved to be the most effective way topractice English listening★ bilingual learning two languages, several mashup feature thatautomatically or manually play★ subtitle function, the full content of the English and Chinesesubtitles★ Gesture support, you can slide your finger quickly flip, a singlepage can pause, repeat listening★ full range of theme picture books, astronaut by the ItalianDelicatessen Studio family are designed to perform the series ofstories★ Each book language learning picture books, has launched theAndroid & iOS, praise the most, an average of four and a halfstars, accumulated tens of thousands of praise.Talking-App is developed by QLL company produced usingDelicatessen Italian design studio astronaut Erin family serieswith vivid performances in the English dub of the fairy tale, thisseries of children's books apps lovely sound from the well-knownsongwriters - read the first horse (Cape Mala Sang) Mr. soundtrackand endorsement.QLL Inc. Rapid language learning system designed Co., Ltd. is aprofessional language learning content software developers. Wedevelop suitable language of all ages to learn the phonesoftware.
The Bear and the Two Travelers 4.0
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
The Bat and the Weasels 4.0.2
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling. Click “…More” to learn why you shoulddownload this App today!❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (IndustrialDevelopment Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for Creative App Competition (Business Next Magazine)❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang Boer★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleyYou and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
Xylophone Master - Music Game 1.4
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Tired of piano? Play along virtual xylophoneapplication, preload free songs, try it now! A wonderful familymusic game.QLL achieved 2m downloads and many of our apps are featured inthe "New & Noteworthy" in many appstores.Not only playing xylophone, you may compose your xylophone songsand record to listen anytime or play the taptap game along with thebacking music. All apps in one, easy and fun, download it rightnow!Some features:-High quality Xylophone sounds.-Xylophone mallets and highly detailed animation.-Retina display support.-Record and save to re-play your composition-Expressly and exclusively designed with a beautiful, immediate andintuitive user interface.-Preload 8 songs by its difficulty levels: Twinkle twinkle littlestar, Home sweet home, Lullaby, Little John, A little donkey, Areyou sleeping, London Bridge and Taiwanese Folk song.-The guidance spot like taptap game for you to follow, hit the spotwith rhythm you can get higher scores with detailedanimation.-Beautiful graphic in HD.-Playable like piano for everybody and anybody! Really fun for allages!-Not only like playing piano, you can also play with pen and stickslike real xylophone!3 Different Playing Modes:* Learn to play mode: play with the guidance spot like taptap orpiano game, choose single play mode or play with backing music,follow with the rhythm is even interesting!* Listen modes: listen to the preload songs and autoplay like pianogames.* Record mode: play and compose your own music, record it andre-play to listen.*** Download it and suggest to your friends. Have fun and winthe highest scores***If you have additional features/improvements to suggest for thenext update? Please contact us!http://www.qll.co[Get the best baby music game in town for free.]
The Sly Fox and Little Red Hen 4.0.5
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
Rumpelstilskin 4.0.10
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling. Click “…More” to learn why you shoulddownload this App today!❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (IndustrialDevelopment Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for Creative App Competition (Business Next Magazine)❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang Boer★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleyYou and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
The Wolf and Seven Little Kids 4.0.3
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling. Click “…More” to learn why you shoulddownload this App today!❋❋❋ Winner, Best Digital Language Learning Contents (IndustrialDevelopment Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs) ❋❋❋❋❋❋ Nominated for Creative App Competition (Business Next Magazine)❋❋❋★★★★★Looking for more apps for kids”Audio quality is very good. Awesome.”- Wolfgang Boer★★★★★“Hi, my bilingual son loves your books - thanks. I like your books,too. “- Patrick L O'MeleyYou and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
Bubble Popper 4:Baby Flashcard 1.4
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
★ ★ ★ Highly recommended -- Best Way forToddlers to Learn New Words.★ ★ ★This is a Flashcards app for babies. Building vocabulary has neverbeen so much fun.It was specially designed to make learning new words a fun activityfor you and your child.The cards are organized into different categories that you can turnon through a simple and comprehensive menu to tailor your child'slearning curriculum to your liking.Volume 1 was words about animal and transportation.Volume 2 was words about family and home.Volume 3 was words about food and kitchenware.Volume 4 was words about body and clothing.and more volumes are coming soon!!★ Large words and letters, Professional voiceovers recorded inproduction studio.★ Very high quality images, cute! Kids tested - they love it!Parents tested - they love it too!★ Interactive, kids can pop the bubble himself/herself and learnnew words.★ Gesture support, you can slide your finger quickly flip thepage.★ Can select autoplay or manual. Can control word repeat times.Even loop forever mode.★ option - Bilingual, a phrase in English following with a Chinese,proven to be the most effective way to practice secondlanguage.★ Our language learning picture books received so many goodcomments, over 4,500,000 downloads, 4.5 stars.This app is developed by Quick Language Learning Inc. Ltd., aprofessional language learning contents developer. We developedsoftware for different language learning on mobile devices for allages.
Bubble Popper 3:Baby Flashcard 1.4
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
This is a Flashcards app for babies. Buildingvocabulary has never been so much fun.It was specially designed to make learning new words a fun activityfor you and your child.The cards are organized into different categories that you can turnon through a simple and comprehensive menu to tailor your child'slearning curriculum to your liking.★ Large words and letters, Professional voiceovers recorded inproduction studio.★ Very high quality images, cute! Kids tested - they love it!Parents tested - they love it too!★ Interactive, kids can pop the bubble himself/herself and learnnew words.★ Gesture support, you can slide your finger quickly flip thepage.★ Can select autoplay or manual. Can control word repeat times.Even loop forever mode.★ option - Bilingual, a phrase in English following with a Chinese,proven to be the most effective way to practice secondlanguage.★ Our language learning picture books received so many goodcomments, over 4,500,000 downloads, average 4.5 stars.★NEW★ a quiz mode was added, and now you can make sure your babydid know these words.This app is developed by Quick Language Learning Inc. Ltd., aprofessional language learning contents developer. We developedsoftware for different language learning on mobile devices for allages.
Deep in the Sea Word Adventure 1.0
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
If you gaze long enough into an abyss, theabyss will gaze back into you. ― Friedrich NietzscheDo you like word spelling games? Try Deep in the sea. You are notonly entertained but also learn some words new.1. Very easy to play, good touch screen experience.2. More than 200 words in our vocabulary list.3. Easy and hard level for different age groups.4. Awesome background music will let you rock!5. You can keep your high score to compete with others.If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Englishwords, you only have to download this app. Do it right now and youcan begin to pick up another language as soon as today!Q.L.L. is a company specialized in digital language learningcontents and mobile applications. We develop "Talking-app" indifferent language learning for all ages on mobile devices; ourgoal is to fit learning into your lifestyle.
兒童知識百科期刊 1.6
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
這個 APP的目的,是幫助父母們,在手機上可以探索各領域專家們提供的有趣活動,再進一步教導給孩子們各式各樣的新知識!週週都會有更多新的內容出現喔!▲這裡有許多專家製作的精彩內容可以探索專家陣容裡,有入圍2016KIDSFIRST國際影展的天稜澄水製作團隊所編輯的《到全台各地探險吧!》自然環境保育教材,精選台灣各地生態特色介紹,讓爸爸媽媽們可以在假日輕鬆規劃一場家庭生態遊;各大百貨都能見到的Otto2 藝術美學館,也在 APP 上開館囉,由 Otto2創辦人詹秀葳女士教你《音感作畫的想像練習》,帶孩子們進行各種有趣的藝術探索遊戲;討厭死記硬背的數學公式,不妨來試試傑斌老師的《翻轉數學》,用異國風情的情境引導和圖像式學習,你會發現數字們可愛的一面。當然,少不了的還有 QLL最擅長的語言學習囉!英語部分,有精選的雙語有聲童話故事書,由義大利設計工作室打造的可愛角色和專業配音員,可以陪小朋友們度過快樂的點心時光;國語部分,則是有應景的農曆新年系列,教孩子們認識過年的由來、貼春聯、說吉祥話等等,讓全家過節氣氛可以更加濃厚團結喔!▲使用「QLand」,不會寫程式也能製作自己專屬的 APP!屬於您自己的精彩內容 APP 創作一次輕鬆上手:爸媽的影分身之術你可以註冊登入到「QLand」上自己編寫你自己的 APP電子書內容!只要將文字、圖片、聲音檔按自己的喜好組合,爸爸媽媽就可以與孩子共同輕鬆創作生動APP。像是自己編的床邊故事、爸爸的職業探索,媽媽的烘焙教學、家族成員介紹甚至婚禮、生日紀念等等,用自家原創APP 電子有聲書,帶孩子走進你的知識寶庫。運用科技,除了能讓自己瞭解孩子學到了什麼,不在孩子身邊時,有你參與其中的文字、圖片、聲音,也是陪孩子們學習的一種形式,讓他們聽你的電子書說一百遍的故事都不嫌煩。    更有趣的是,聰明的孩子也可以自己設計自己的APP,讓孩子用最新的創作方法秀出他們的創意,無論是在手機、電腦、平板、電視上,世界各地有網路的地方都能看到孩子在 QLand 上的APP 作品,養成粉絲、經營社群,透過QLand,孩子也可以變成網路APP創業大明星!現在讓我們一起大喊一聲:「翻轉吧,教育!」擺脫一定要照著做的傳統作業規定,讓孩子們自己選擇好奇的事物探索,還有有趣的測驗遊戲可以在讀後現學現賣呢!只要放慢一點腳步,用你的眼光帶孩子探索世界,就能找回屬於爸媽的教育主導權,給孩子一個最難忘的童年起點!
聽故事學韓文 - 青蛙王子 1.2
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
超過百萬下載,最收歡迎之『聽故事學日文』系列,現在推出學韓文版『聽故事學韓文』系列,QLL助你語文學習更上層樓。這是以 QLL 的童話故事『青蛙王子』為背景故事,一段韓文一段中文的方式,學習聽韓語看韓文。★ 青蛙王子 - 青蛙王子的故事是說,從前從前有一個公主,她是國王最小、最美麗的女兒。她最喜歡玩一個金球,有一天她帶了這球去王宮附近的樹林裡玩球時,一不小心,球滾進了池塘的深水裡去了...개구리 왕자 - 옛날에 예쁜공주가 있었습니다. 가장 어리고 가장 아름다운 공주였어요. 공주는 금공을 가지고노는것을좋아했습니다. 궁 근처 숲풀속에서 놀다가 실수로 금공이 연못에 빠졌는데…….聽故事學語文是一種有效率又很享受的方法。當你在說或聽故事的時候,你必須進入故事語文的豐富內容,一個更廣泛而高層次的語言語文學的學習。『產品功能特色』★ 可愛的插圖加上雙語功能,一句接一句先韓文再中文對照,專家證明是最有效的語文聽力練習方式★ 可以自動播放,也可以手動操做。有字幕功能,有完整內容的韓文與中文字幕★ 手勢支援,可以滑動手指快速翻頁,點一下圖畫可以暫停,再點一下圖畫可以重覆播放★ 全系列學習有聲書,由義大利 Delicatessen 工作室所設計的太空人 Erin 家族,演出本系列故事★ 各電子書語言學習繪本,在 iPad & iPhone 都有推出,好評最多,平均四個半星。『關於開發本產品的公司』Talking – app 是由 QLL 公司開發製作,採用義大利 Delicatessen Studio所設計的太空人ErinFamily 所演出一系列搭配生動中英文配音的童話故事,此系列可愛有聲童書 apps 由知名詞曲創作人 - 馬念先(海角七號馬拉桑)先生配樂及代言。Q.L.L.Quick Language Learning Inc.Ltd.快速語言學習系統設計股份有限公司是一家專業的語言學習內容軟體開發商。我們開發適合各種年齡層的語言學習手機軟體與小遊戲,請大家在軟體最後參加我們的調查幫助我們製作更適合您的軟體!More than onemilliondownloads, the most welcome received the "listen to thestory tolearn Japanese" series, is now available to learn Koreanversion of"listening to stories learn Korean" series, QLL help youlearn thelanguage to new heights.This is QLL fairy tale "The Frog Prince" as the backgroundstory,some Korean, some Chinese way, learning to listen to Koreanto seeKorean.★ Frog Prince - The Frog Prince story is that in the pastwasonce a princess, she is the king smallest and mostbeautifuldaughter. When she most likes playing a Golden Globe, andone dayshe brought the ball to the palace nearby woods to playball,accidentally, the ball rolled into the pond deepwatergone...개구리 왕자 -... 옛날 에 예쁜 공주 가 있었습니다 가장 어리고 가장 아름다운 공주 였어요 공주 는 금공 을가지고노는 것을 좋아 했습니다 궁 근처 숲풀 속 에서 놀다 가실수 로 금공 이 연못 에 빠졌 는데 .......Listen to the story of learning the language is a veryefficientway of enjoying. When you're talking or listening tostories, youmust enter the story of the rich content of language, amoreextensive and high-level language philological study. "Product Features"★ cute illustrations plus a bilingual feature a re-take afirstKorean Chinese control, the experts proved to be the mosteffectiveway to practice the language listening★ can automatically play, you can manually do gymnastics.Theresubtitle function, complete with Chinese subtitlesKoreancontent★ Gesture support, you can slide your finger quickly flip,tapthe picture you can pause, and then tap the picture you canrepeatplayback★ full range of learning audiobooks, designed by theItalianDelicatessen Studio astronaut Erin family performed thestory ofthis series★ Each book language learning picture books, has launchedtheiPad & iPhone, praise the most, an average of four and ahalfstars."About the development of the products of the company."Talking - app is developed by QLL company produced usingItalianDelicatessen Studio designed a series of astronaut ErinFamily withvivid performances in the English dub of the fairy tale,thisseries of children's books apps lovely sound from thewell-knownsongwriters - read the horse first ( Cape Mala Sang) Mr.soundtrackand endorsement.QLLQuick Language Learning Inc. Ltd. Rapid languagelearningsystem designed Co., Ltd. is a professional languagelearningcontent software developers. We develop for all ages,languagelearning software and mobile phone games, please join us inthesoftware last survey to help us make more suitable foryoursoftware!
Record your Bedtime Story 1.3
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
"Record your bedtime story" is picture bookappthat lets you record your own voice.Mom, dad or kids can read along the story following withthetext.This is ideal for parents, grandparents and caregivers that maynotbe able to tuck their children into bed every night with astory.Now, your daughter/son can always hear mommy or daddy'svoicereading the book before going to bed.It has original native dubbed voices and subtitles in EnglishandSpanish, it will be an excellent way to learn new languages!Forteachers, it's a great way to engage with their studentsandpractice reading skills in a fun way.First story is "The Hare and the Tortoise", one of theclassicwell-loved bed-time stories.Offering the app free for limited time only, to celebrate theapprelease! Don't miss this chance!Features- Maximum 5 voices to be recorded (e.g. Mom, dad, grandpa,grandmaand me?)- Split into twenty more pages, you can record per page and makeitvery easy to use. (You can re-record any page at any time!)- Play the voice with the original background music- Play with the narrators voice- Bilingual, in both English and Spanishkeyword: record,tape,recorder,voicerecorder,distantparenting,ownvoice,story,hare,tortoise,kids,bed-time,playback
Six Blind Men and an Elephant 4.0.8
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language andeasilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy readingthisstory while picking up another language with the proveneffectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, justbyreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do thereading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voicereadingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t needitanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are pickingupanother language while having quality time together,becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regularbasis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learninganew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell storiestopeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context,whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speechandliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptionalvoice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation andword recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story isnot only cute but also helpful foryour listening and readingChinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native Englishspeakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practiceasecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English withChinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by nativeChinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded thelanguagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonlyhave to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pickup another language as soon as today!
Peter and the Wolf 4.0.9
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
The Emperor's New Clothes 1.0
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language andeasilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy readingthisstory while picking up another language with the proveneffectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, justbyreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do thereading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voicereadingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t needitanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are pickingupanother language while having quality time together,becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regularbasis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learninganew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell storiestopeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context,whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speechandliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptionalvoice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation andword recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story isnot only cute but also helpful foryour listening and readingChinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native Englishspeakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practiceasecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English withChinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by nativeChinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded thelanguagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonlyhave to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pickup another language as soon as today!
Rapunzel 4.0.11
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language andeasilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy readingthisstory while picking up another language with the proveneffectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, justbyreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do thereading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voicereadingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t needitanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are pickingupanother language while having quality time together,becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regularbasis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learninganew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell storiestopeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context,whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speechandliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptionalvoice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation andword recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story isnot only cute but also helpful foryour listening and readingChinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native Englishspeakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practiceasecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English withChinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by nativeChinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded thelanguagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonlyhave to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pickup another language as soon as today!
Jack and the Beanstalk 4.0.10
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
The Little Mermaid 4.0.4
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language andeasilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy readingthisstory while picking up another language with the proveneffectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, justbyreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do thereading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voicereadingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t needitanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are pickingupanother language while having quality time together,becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regularbasis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learninganew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell storiestopeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context,whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speechandliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptionalvoice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation andword recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story isnot only cute but also helpful foryour listening and readingChinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native Englishspeakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practiceasecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English withChinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by nativeChinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded thelanguagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonlyhave to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pickup another language as soon as today!
Bopomo Learn Chinese Phonics 1.0
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Learn Chinese by Bopomo (MPS Chu-yin)MPS (Mandarin Phonetic Symbols) also known as Zhuyin fuhao, inEnglish translations, the system is often called either Chu-yin orbopomofo, was introduced in the 1910s as the first officialphonetic system for transcribing Chinese, especially Mandarin.Consisting of 37 characters and four tone marks, this system iswidely used as an educational tool and Chinese computer inputmethod in Taiwan. Bopomofo remains the predominant phonetic systemin teaching reading and writing in elementary school in Taiwan. Inteaching Mandarin, Taiwan institutions and some overseas communitystill use bopomofo as a learning tool. It is also one of the mostpopular ways to enter Chinese characters into computers and look upcharacters in a dictionary in Taiwan. In grade one, Chinesecharacters in textbooks are often annotated with bopomofo asstudents take ten weeks to learn them.Features:★ ㄅㄆㄇ Bopomo...37 characters pronunciations and strokes, examplevocabularies in Chinese and English (native speakerpronunciations)★ The gesture support, you can slide your finger quickly flip thepage★ Finding game in the example sentences.★ The astronaut Erin family performed the story in this series aredesigned by Italian Delicatessen Studio. The music in the appspresented by the well-known songwriter – NienShen Ma (Movie CapeNo. VII’s actor Mala Sang)★ The language learning picture books received very goodcomments, over 2 millions downloads,avg. 4.5 stars,.Talking - app is developed by Q.L.L. (Quick Language Learning)Inc. Ltd., a professional language learning contents developer. Wedeveloped also "Pocket Chinese Tutor" for business people to learnChinese and The Ugly Duckling multilingual storybooks...and so on.Our goal is to fit language learning into your life style.Please leave your comments here http://qll.co/pct/?page_id=107,with your help we can do better Chinese learning apps.
Panda Baby Calculator 1.0.3
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
This is a baby calculator.There are two different scenes. A baby panda, and a sloth. Yep!asloth.【features】- free, no Ads, kids-friendly app- addition- subtraction- multiplication- division- cute baby animal scene- numerical button with sounds- animal button mode, can produce animal sound effectsThis app is developed by Quick Language Learning Inc. Ltd.,aprofessional language learning contents developer.We developed software for different language learning onmobiledevices for all ages. We are mobile language learningexpert.We publish more than 150 apps on two most popularmobileplatforms.
聖誕故事 (QLL聽故事學英文- 平板電腦系列) 1.2
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
歡樂聖誕節,祝您聖誕快樂。你知道聖誕節的由來嗎?趕快來聽聖誕故事。QLL聽故事學英文- 平板電腦系列,是針對大畫面高解析的平板電腦所推出,支援到 1920x1200各品牌平板電腦產品或android TVbox,擁有超過六百萬的廣大用戶群,平均四顆半星的評價,是台灣教育類排行最佳的系列產品。(全部高清大圖,雙語字幕並加註ㄅㄆㄇ,效能較低的手機不建議使用)>>人類在媽媽的肚子裡,最先長成的是大腦,最先有感覺的器官是耳朵,第五到第六個月已經聽得到聲音了,所以,人類早期對大腦成長影響最大的就是聽覺–“室岡一教授”。>>利用熟悉的童話故事讓小朋友練習聽力與字彙,接受雙語的語感訓練,QLL的目標就是讓爸爸媽媽輕輕鬆鬆教小朋友學會多種語言,未來更有競爭力。這是一本圖文並茂的童話繪本有聲書。除了美麗的故事插圖以外,還有中文及英文共雙語真人發音,這些配音都是由專業的母語配音員所錄製,是培養兒童學習英文或者中文的有效工具。『故事大綱』聖誕故事是要告訴小朋友聖誕節的由來。這是一個宗教色彩濃厚的故事,根據基督教的福音書記載,耶穌是聖母瑪利亞受聖神感孕後在伯利恆的一個馬廄生下的,瑪利亞和丈夫約瑟當時正在去羅馬人口普查註冊的路上。耶穌的降生在信徒看來是猶太教預言中的彌賽亞將要到來計劃的實現。『產品功能特色』★ 雙語功能,一句接一句先英文再中文對照,專家證明是最有效的英語聽力練習方式★ 字幕功能,字幕全部高清字並可調整大小,有雙語字幕且加註注音符號 ㄅㄆㄇ,專為台灣小朋友設計★ 手勢支援,可以滑動手指快速翻頁★ 全系列主題繪本,由義大利 Delicatessen 工作室所設計的太空人 Erin 家族,演出本系列故事★ 新增貼紙簿生字學習,小朋友可以收集貼紙,增加讀書趣味與生字學習功效。★ 各電子書語言學習繪本,在 iPad & iPhone 也都有推出,好評最多,平均四個半星。『關於開發本產品的公司』Talking – app 是由 QLL 公司開發製作,採用義大利 Delicatessen Studio所設計的太空人Erin Family 所演出一系列搭配生動中英文配音的童話故事,此系列可愛有聲童書 apps 由知名詞曲創作人 -馬念先(海角七號馬拉桑) 先生配樂及代言。Q.L.L.Quick Language Learning Inc.Ltd.快速語言學習系統設計股份有限公司是一家專業的語言學習內容軟體開發商。我們開發適合各種年齡層的語言學習手機軟體與小遊戲,請大家在軟體最後參加我們的調查幫助我們製作更適合您的軟體!
The Nightingale 4.0.6
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
Immerse yourself in rich language and easilylearn Chinese, in an entertaining way.All you have to do is download this app. You’ll enjoy reading thisstory while picking up another language with the proven effectivetechnique of storytelling.You and your child are learning a new language together, just byreading a Grimm’s fairy tale. Sometimes, you do the reading,sometimes you both take turns. You used to switch the voice readingon and let the program tell you the story but you don’t need itanymore because you’re learning fast.Thanks to this powerful app, you and your child are picking upanother language while having quality time together, becomingbilingual, simply by having story time on a regular basis.Storytelling is one of the most effective techniques for learning anew language. It’s fun, too. When you read or tell stories topeople, you immerse them in rich language in proper context, whichin turn leads to higher levels of sophistication in speech andliteracy. Yup, just by reading a story the right way.In this app, you get both English and Chinese subtitles andoptional voice dubbing to help you with correct spelling,pronunciation and word recognition. The audio and visualpresentation of the story is not only cute but also helpful foryour listening and reading Chinese skills.Look at some of the features you get in this app:* Adorable graphics and easy to use interface* Multilingual language learning tool for native English speakingusers* Formatted in a proven most effective way to learn and practice asecond language* Each paragraph of story is presented in English with Chinesesubtitles* Optional voice read along with text by native Chinesespeaker* Automatic or manual page turn with gesture support* More than seven million users have downloaded the languagelearning picture books already!If you’ve been hoping for a fast, fun way to learn Chinese, youonly have to download this app. Do it right now and you can beginto pick up another language as soon as today!
聽故事學日文 - 青蛙王子 2.5.03
Q.L.L. Inc. Ltd.
這是一個學習日文的有聲故事書,以QLL最受歡迎的童話故事『青蛙王子』為背景故事,一句日文一句中文的方式,學習聽日語看日文。聽故事學語文是一種有效率又很享受的方法。Storytelling is one of the most enjoyable and effectivetechniquesto learn a new language.ストーリーテリングは、新しい言語を学ぶために最も楽しく、効果的なテクニックの一つです。當你在說或聽故事的時候,你必須進入故事語文的豐富內容,一個更廣泛而高層次的語言語文學的學習。When you read or tell stories to people you immerse them inrichlanguage in context, which in turn leads to higher levelsofsophistication in speech and literacy.あなたはお読みになるか、または順番にスピーチし、リテラシーの高度化の高いレベルにつながる文脈、の豊富な言語でそれらを浸す人に話を伝えるときに。『產品功能特色』★ 雙語功能,一句接一句先日文再中文對照,專家證明是最有效的英語聽力練習方式★ 字幕功能,有完整內容的日文與中文字幕★ 手勢支援,可以滑動手指快速翻頁★ 全系列學習有聲書,由義大利 Delicatessen 工作室所設計的太空人 Erin 家族,演出本系列故事★ 各電子書語言學習繪本,在 iPad & iPhone 都有推出,好評最多,平均四個星。★ 聽故事學語文全系列超過三百萬下載量,是台灣出品最多最強的語文學習軟體系列。『關於開發本產品的公司』Talking – app 是由 QLL 公司開發製作,採用義大利 Delicatessen Studio所設計的太空人ErinFamily 所演出一系列搭配生動中英文配音的童話故事,此系列可愛有聲童書 apps 由知名詞曲創作人 - 馬念先(海角七號馬拉桑)先生配樂及代言。Q.L.L.Quick Language Learning Inc.Ltd.快速語言學習系統設計股份有限公司是一家專業的語言學習內容軟體開發商。我們開發適合各種年齡層的語言學習手機軟體與小遊戲,請大家在軟體最後參加我們的調查幫助我們製作更適合您的軟體!聽青蛙王子學日文,幫你學習聽日語看日文。